Everything that I do is about educating, whether it’s teaching or consulting. We look at the entire world of wine – the business end, the viniculture; viticulture and how everything works – not only how it tastes or smells. 



New Online Wine Courses



Take your wine education into your own hands and learn at your own pace, on your own time. Scroll down for affordable and informative online wine education to help everyone make more informed wine choices! 

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Finally, wine education that you can take at your own pace. and at an affordable price. Wine Basics Plus is an online, self paced, 14 module wine education course for people who love wine and want to understand more about it.

Wine Basics Plus ONLINE Course

Click here to purchase or for more info

Super Helpful!

This class was a were a super helpful refresher for me! The biodynamic and fortified wine sections were a good source of info as we didn't cover those topics in the WSET 2 course.

Kelly Hammond WSET II

Retail Wine Sales

It was an excellent, easy to follow educational format, great for people working in a liquor store, or just anyone in general. I appreciated getting more interesting details on several items, such as Tasting Wine & where flavor comes from, Sustainability, Natural Wines, Wine Faults & Flaws. All were important topics that I felt I knew too little about before your courses. You're a great teacher

Bryan Bender WSET 1/ Total Wine Professional

Wine & Spirits Sales Consultant


Several styles of wine: Still, Sparkling, Fortified. These styles are made from red or white grape varieties.


Around 5000 Vitis Vinifera varieties in the world. Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Chardonnay represent only 3 of them! Vitis Vinifera is the species that produces fine wine in the world.


Wine is made all over the world, in many countries in both New and Old World countries. The vine species that most wine sold in the world is made from is Vitis Vinifera, which originates from Far Eastern Europe. That is why Europe is considered Old World. All the other grape growing countries had to transport Vitis Vinifera to them once they were colonized. These countries are referred to as New World.


Vintage is the year of the harvest.Climate and various weather incidents such as frost, hail or excessive heat or natural disasters such as fires, earthquakes, landslides can impact the growing conditions and therefore the resulting wine from the year it was harvested.


Within every wine producing country there are demarcated regions that recognize ideal grape growing conditions for specific grape varieties. These regions usually fall within already politically demarcated areas such as states, territories, or provinces.


Some regions and wines give you more bang for buck. Are you overpaying for wine? Learn how to look for high quality wines at a fair price.

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